Diversity Arts Culture

Who works in Berlin’s arts and cultural sector? Who is the boss? Who finds only underpaid jobs? How many exhibi­tions in Berlin museums have shown works by women in recent years? Or by Women of Color, or women with disabi­lities? Who is under­re­pre­sented in the cultural industry?

Berlin is diverse. However, Berlin’s cultural life does not yet fairly reflect this social diversity. Diversity Arts Culture wants to change this.

Diversity Arts Culture is the conceptual and advisory office for diversity develo­pment in the Berlin cultural sector. The project was founded in 2017 by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe to stimulate and promote diversity-oriented struc­tural change, that is, to create equal access to art and culture for all people and reduce discri­mi­nation in the cultural sector.

What we do

We advise cultural insti­tu­tions on diversity issues. We develop further education programs for cultural workers, in which we teach diversity compe­tence, and strengthen artists and cultural workers who experience exclusion in the cultural sector. In addition, we advise the cultural adminis­tration in its diversity-oriented direction and commission the collection of equity data for the Berlin cultural sector.

On our website we provide infor­mation about our services, explain terms from diversity develo­pment in a multi­media dictionary, and offer numerous resources for self-study as well as inter­views and articles in our magazine that show the creative side of diversity development.

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Illus­tration: aufsiemitgebrüll