What we do

Our teams qualify cultural workers and empower under­re­pre­sented commu­nities in the cultural sector. We advise insti­tu­tions and indivi­duals in the arts, culture, politics, youth services and education. We conduct research on parti­ci­pation in the Berlin cultural landscape and build networks between science, cultural insti­tu­tions, politics, adminis­tration and civil society.


We share knowledge with artists, cultural insti­tu­tions, cultural policy­makers and adminis­tra­tions as well as with educa­tional specia­lists and children’s and youth institutions.

Quali­fi­cation and training

We train both players in the cultural sector and educa­tional specia­lists in diversity develo­pment, cultural education and cultural participation.


We empower people who experience exclusion in the cultural sector and cultural education.

Scien­tific proposals

We provide sugges­tions for conceptual and data-based work in the cultural sector, through visitor and non-visitor research, cultural management research and research in the field of cultural sociology and cultural studies.

Scien­tific support

We research funding programs and model projects that aim for greater and broader cultural participation.

Promotion of projects

We support cultural education projects with active parti­ci­pation by children, teenagers and young adults.