
The online platform Kubinaut — Navigation Kultu­relle Bildung (Arts Education Navigation)is a central contact point for cultural education in Berlin. Whether as a cultural insti­tution, youth services insti­tution, school, day care center, artist or young person, on this site, all interested parties have the chance to present their own work, search for project partners or parti­ci­pants, or offer practice rooms or other services.

Everyone interested in creative work by and with young people can register on Kubinaut and post their own events, projects, adver­ti­se­ments or profiles free of charge. Non-regis­tered guests can also use Kubinaut – for example, to research on artistic project formats in which children or young people can actively parti­cipate; or to find inspi­ration for their own work, or a new job. The numerous offers can be filtered according to districts, dates, formats and categories such as theater, museum or circus.

As editors, we publish inter­views and articles by specia­lists, report news from the field of arts education and provide infor­mation on funding oppor­tu­nities and competitions.

The Kubinaut team also organizes events for further education and networking for actors in arts education and youth work.

Kubinaut is a coope­ration project of the Stiftung für Kultu­relle Weiter­bildung and Kultur­be­ratung und der Landes­ver­ei­nigung Kultu­relle Jugend­bildung (Foundation for Cultural Education and Cultural Consulting and the State Association for Cultural Education for Youth) e.V. The project is funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe and the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family.

For further infor­mation (in German) please see: