Connected Audience Confe­rence 2025

Konferenz IKTf

Call for Presen­ta­tions & Workshops is open!

The Connected Audience Confe­rence is held every two years bringing together cultural profes­sionals, resear­chers, and policy­makers to actively parti­cipate in discus­sions about how to build and engage audiences in cultural organiza­tions (museums, theatres, symphonies, etc.).

Under the title „Culture & Young People – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?” the 2025 confe­rence will address the challenges and oppor­tu­nities for cultural organiza­tions inter­acting with young people – adole­s­cents and young adults from the age of 14 upwards. 

To explore these challenges the Institute für Kultu­relle Teilha­be­for­schung (Institute for Research on Cultural Parti­ci­pation | IKTf Berlin) in colla­bo­ration with the Institute for Learning Innovation (USA) will bring together experts, resear­chers, and practi­tioners from the global cultural sector for discussion and exchange.

We are very much looking forward to your submissions!

The Submission deadline is November 3, 2024. 

You’ll find more infor­mation about the confe­rence topic, the confe­rence design and the call on our event site.